Brunton remembers Rikki Fulton
Rikki & Me gets community revival
The Brunton Theatre is staging a rare revival of Rikki & Me, which takes a lingering look at the life, comedy and death of legendary Scottish comic, Rikki Fulton, based on the book of the same name by his wife, Kate Matheson.
Directed by David Ross, this will be a professionally staged production with a community cast. It opens at the Loretto School Theatre on Thursday 23 January 2025 for four performances only.
The script is co-written by Fulton’s collaborators Tony Roper and Philip Differ. Roper, probably best known for The Steamie, was a long-time friend of Fulton and his wife Kate; while Differ worked with Fulton on Scotch and Wry.
The play was toured in 2006 with Roper playing Rikki Fulton and the late Gerard Kelly as his comedy partner Jack Milroy. Such joys as Francie and Josie’s Arbroath sketch allowed Roper and Differ to ensure that the play was not a total museum piece, adding a few topical references and even a new sketch for Supercop.
However, this is something of a theatrical ‘biography’ of Rikki’s life: from his birth to his horrific experiences in the navy when his ship was sunk during World War Two, and on to his ascent into showbiz. His partnership with Milroy as Francie and Josie, to his comic creativity in Scotch and Wry; and finally, to his tragic demise when dementia overcame him.
special permission
The play has never been done since that initial tour and David Ross says he was delighted to get special permission from the writers to perform this as a community theatre production, with four non-professional actors from across East Lothian bringing a multitude of roles to the stage.
“Being the first company to stage this play – outside of Roper and Differ’s own initial run – is an immense privilege,” Ross told Æ.
“The challenges of recreating so many well remembered skits and sketches of Rikki Fulton was, at first, daunting. However, the key intention of the play, as documented in its introduction, is that it’s written as a tribute to Rikki and Kate Fulton.
“That’s is how we have approached Rikki & Me – as a tribute and celebration of Rikki’s life and comedy. Everyone has their favourite ‘Rikki moment’. What we are doing with these moments – in what would have been his 100th year – is sharing with audience the laughter and joy that made Rikki so well loved and respected.”
The role of Rikki Fulton will be played by Gary McGregor, a retired banker who has appeared in various amateur productions over the years with The Brunton, Stenton Footlights, East Linton Drama Group and Gifford Players, in everything from panto to musicals, with a lot of comedy thrown in.
“In playing Rikki I feel that I’m actually trying to be three different people,” McGregor told Æ.
“The first is the person who created such iconic Scotch & Wry TV characters as Rev I M Jolly, Supercop and Dirty Dickie Dandruff.
“The second is one half of those legendary gallus Glasgow guys, Francie & Josie, who brought so much humour to, and established such a casual rapport with, live audiences in a bygone age.
“And finally, the third, is the very private man who lived a remarkable life away from the public gaze and faced many challenges with a quiet dignity and fortitude.
“I hope that I can do all three Rikkis justice.”
comedy legend
Caroline Tait will bring the female characters in the play to life, including the key role of Kate.
Tait’s interest in drama started when she joined Callander Dramatic Society in Stirlingshire as a teenager. She has performed a variety of roles in many community theatre projects in both East and West Lothian, including the Prestongrange Players, Images Theatre, The Bridge Theatre and Brunton Players.
Mark Becher will play a wide range of characters including Rikki’s childhood friend Leslie Bond, television producer Gordon Menzies, and the wonderful Jack Milroy/Francie. He has has performed with a wide range of amateur theatre companies over the years, including EMT, EPT, Showcase and the Musselburgh Amateur Musical Association.
Finally, Rufus Bellamy who has been involved in many amateur productions with Stenton Footlights, working as both cast and crew, takes on a range of characters that is quite the definition of “wide”. He will be Rikki’s neighbour, Rikki’s brother (John Fulton), a television producer, and God Almighty Himself.
Following BBC Scotland’s tribute to the comedy legend on Hogmanay, this will be a rare treat to revisit a play which has both a fascinating insight into Fulton’s life, and a chance to relive his greatest comedy moments.
Rikki & Me
Loretto School Theatre, Millhill, Musselburgh. Phone booking: 0131 653 5245
Thurs 23 – Sat 25 January 2025
Evenings: 7.30pm; Sat mat: 2pm.
Tickets and details: Book here.