Palette to take Summerhall lease

Aug 8 2024 | By More

Edinburgh Palette to take on tenant side of Summerhall

Edinburgh Palette is set to take over the building and tenant management of Summerhall, from the current entity responsible, Summerhall Management, and is negotiating a three year lease with the current owners Oesselmann Estate Limited.

OEL put the Summerhall complex up for sale in May this year. At the end of July a new charity, Summerhall Arts, announced it had taken on a new, three year lease for the venue’s outward-facing, year-round spaces within the complex, ahead of the sale going to a closing date of September 18 2024.

Summerhall. Pic: Peter Dibdin.

This left the 110 or so residents of the remaining 60% of the complex in limbo. They set up a campaign #MadeInSummerhall, to fight to retain Summerhall as a city-centre home for artists and businesses on August 1 this year (see news story here).

Now Edinburgh Palette, the charity which runs St Margarets House and 1 Waterfront Avenue, which provide offices and studios to arts professionals, has announced that it is in a three way process to take over the non Summerhall Arts element of the building.

An announcement on Instagram today says: “Edinburgh Palette are moving closer to agreeing terms to take over the building and tenant management of Summerhall, from Summerhall Management.

affordable spaces

“As a charity, our aim is to create and manage affordable spaces for creative people, combining professional expertise with creative passion, helping groups and individuals develop ideas, share skills, and contribute to the wider community.

“Edinburgh palette will continue supporting the artistic, charitable, education and incubation sectors, with a goal to maintain and enhance the vibrant culture that makes Summerhall unique. Edinburgh Palette, want to reassure all current tenants that we will be protecting the environment you have all created and are excited to be a part of it.

“We will be working closely with Summerhall Arts, who will be delivering the year-round programme of art and cultural activities as well as events.”

Summerhall’s various blocks, with their Listed status, as pictured on the sales brochure.

Sam Gough, CEO of both Summerhall Management and Summerhall Arts, has contacted all of the complex’s other tenants about the arrangement.

He says: “This lease is for at least three years and will offer you all assurance and protection during the sale process and beyond.”

The three-way negotiations have been complex, he says, however “Cuthbert White [the selling agent] with Summerhall Arts and Edinburgh Palette presented a plan to the current owners of which they agreed and are now working out the fine details with a view to sign contracts soon.”


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  1. Nicky Beckett says:

    Amazing news. As a resident artist SH has been a huge source of inspiration. It has helped my practice in so many ways. It has not only been my studio space but my refuge where I can create and develop my ideas.

  2. Sophia Malewska says:

    I’m pleased to hear this but let’s wait and see.
    Putting on theatre shows is very expensive and it may well be that this part of what Summerhall does is at risk even if it has found a charity to take over the building.