PPP: Lost Girls / At Bus Stops

Oct 16 2024 | By | Reply More

★★★☆☆   Excellent performances

Traverse: Tue 15 – Sat 19 Oct 2024
Review by Hugh Simpson

Lost Girls / At Bus Stops, the latest Play, Pie and a Pint from Òran Mór at the Traverse, is a rather sweet take on a time-honoured dramatic dilemma.

The play, by Róisín Sheridan Bryson, features best friends Jess (Catriona Faint) and Iona (Leyla Aycan) who first bonded over bad Fringe shows in underground venues, takeaway shops, bus shelters and the ethics of flyering.

Catriona Faint and Leyla Aycan in Lost Girls/At Bus Stops. Pic Tommy Ga-Ken Wan

The story of two friends who want to be more than that is a familiar one, of course, so in one sense this is a somewhat old-fashioned narrative. That both characters are completely open about their sexuality makes it more modern and refreshing, but does remove some of the potential jeopardy.

It always seems odd that two people clearly in love would go so long without either of them doing anything about it, but even more so here, when the obstacles in the way seem comparatively minor ones.

Sheridan-Bryson’s dialogue is full of life and sparkle, however, and the play also functions as a celebration of Edinburgh, particularly at Fringe time, which will strike a chord with many.

carefully structured

The play is carefully structured, with a potentially tricky fractured time scheme navigated with skill. This is helped by Laila Noble’s skilful direction, seemingly effortless in the way it uses the space and two fine performers.

It does not all come off. Transitions between dialogue and narration are usually smooth, but some are more clunky. There is a great deal of fourth-wall-breaking, which does not all convince.

Catriona Faint and Leyla Aycan in Lost Girls/At Bus Stops. Pic Tommy Ga-Ken Wan

Some of the jokes about Edinburgh, moreover (it rains! There are hills! And American tourists!) are signally lacking in originality. Zephyr Liddell’s design cleverly evokes both a bus shelter and a nightclub, but it distracts by bearing not even a passing resemblance to actual Edinburgh bus stops.

That everything nevertheless convinces is largely because of the performances. Aycan is persuasively conflicted, while Faint – hiding Jess’s vulnerability under a sheen of bravado – is simply magnetic. The ever-difficult business of convincingly carrying off episodes of acting the drunken radge is particularly impressive, but the whole performance is excellent.

This helps give weight to what might otherwise be a rather slight affair, and makes the end result a distinctly charming one.

Running time: 55 minutes (no interval)
Traverse Theatre, 10 Cambridge St, EH1 2ED
Tuesday 15 – Saturday 19 October 2024
Daily at 1pm
Details and tickets: Book here.

Catriona Faint and Leyla Aycan in Lost Girls/At Bus Stops. Pic Tommy Ga-Ken Wan


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