Hugh Simpson
The Sisters Fig
★★★★☆ Ludicrous
Porridge After Meat’s The Sisters Fig at the Assembly Roxy Snug Bar is almost impossible to describe and all the better for it.
What the F*ck Happened to Love and Hope?
★★★★☆ Devastating
What The F*ck Happened to Love and Hope? from wtfhappenedto at theSpace on the Mile for the Fringe’s last week, is raw in its emotional content. However, there is nothing undercooked about its writing, acting or directing.
Chemo Savvy
★★★★☆ Uplifting
Chemo Savvy, from Gilded Balloon and Ryan Dewar at the National Museum Auditorium in the Fringe’s last week, is an exploration of life and death that ends up as far more cheery (and far more touching) than you have any right to expect.
The Kelpie, the Loch and the Water of Life
★★★☆☆ Radio fun
Arkle’s The Kelpie, the Loch and the Water of Life is an ideal mid-afternoon diversion for the last week of the Fringe.
Amy’s View
★★★☆☆ Slow-moving
The Makars’ production of Amy’s View, at the Royal Scots Club for the Fringe’s last week, is well staged and acted but never really ignites.
Antonio’s Revenge
★★☆☆☆ Unfathomable
Antonio’s Revenge is a definite oddity, not made any less strange by its staging by Edinburgh/New Zealand company Half Trick Theatre at C alto on even dates of the Fringe only.
Tom Greaves: FUDGEY
★★★★☆ Tragicomedy
Tom Greaves: FUDGEY at the Assembly Roxy is a funny, disturbing and at times deeply tragic piece, featuring convincing storytelling and wonderful physical comedy from Edinburgh-based writer/performer Greaves.
★★★☆☆ Detached
Mon Espoir’s Untitled at theSpace @ Symposium Hall is an intriguingly uneven work. Its depiction of difficult emotions and the workings of memory is always interesting, if sometimes difficult to process.