Paradise venues

The Pirates of Penzance

The Pirates of Penzance

★★★☆☆ Piratical

The University of St. Andrews Gilbert & Sullivan Society brings one of their namesake’s most popular and enduring operettas to the Fringe with The Pirates of Penzance.

Aug 24 2024 | By | Reply More


★★★★☆ Fulfilling

Edinburgh University Footlights’ Pippin, at Paradise in Augustines for the Fringe’s final week, has an infectious enthusiasm and energy that are impossible to resist.

Aug 22 2024 | By | Reply More
Trial by Jury

Trial by Jury

★★★★☆ Spritely

Cat-Like Tread presents a spritely rendition of Gilbert & Sullivan’s one-act comic opera, Trial by Jury that entirely fulfils its brief: light, fun, and more than a little ridiculous.

Aug 21 2024 | By | Reply More
Murder! At the Cirque Du Banquet! The Terrible, Final Case of Detective Ace Dekkard

Murder! At the Cirque Du Banquet! The Terrible, Final Case of Detective Ace Dekkard

★★★☆☆ Chaotic

Dead Parrot Collective’s Murder! At the Cirque Du Banquet! The Terrible, Final Case of Detective Ace Dekkard, at Paradise in Augustines for the Fringe’s second week, is a cross-genre comedy romp that is a fitting late-night Fringe entertainment – defiantly silly and performed with gusto.

Aug 15 2024 | By | Reply More
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

★★★★☆ Ode to Pubescence

The Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group return to the Fringe with The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, a joyful exploration of adolescence and the pressures that get in the way of success at, Paradise in Augustines for Week One.

Aug 9 2024 | By | Reply More
The Last Five Years

The Last Five Years

★★★★☆ Bittersweet

New Edinburgh-based Never Ending Theatre brings a poignant rendition of Jason Robert Brown’s The Last Five Years to Paradise in Augustines, which is pacy and arresting from start to finish.

Aug 9 2024 | By | Reply More
Into the Woods

Into the Woods

★★★★★ Dark

Bare Productions go hard on Into the Woods, James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim’s popular mashup of fairytales, to expose its utter cruelty and the callousness of many of the favourite pantomime heroes that people the musical.

Aug 5 2024 | By | Reply More