Rebecca Mahar

Black is the Color of My Voice

Black is the Color of My Voice

★★★★☆ Stirring

Created by Apphia Campbell, Black is the Color of My Voice from Seabright Live looks back at the life of a musician, singer, and civil-rights activist on what seems to be the eve of her father’s funeral, as his death inspires her to seek clarity and redemption.

Aug 25 2024 | By | Reply More
A Bohemian Life

A Bohemian Life

★★★★☆ Joyful

The Bohemian Lyric Opera Company filled Edinburgh New Town Church with joy and show tunes for two days this Fringe with their concert A Bohemian Life.

Aug 24 2024 | By | Reply More
The Spilling Cup

The Spilling Cup

★★★★☆ Bloody lovely
“Hey, little uterus, can we work together?” Sasha’s plea to her capricious organ in Dracume Theatre’s The Spilling Cup will be a familiar sentiment to anyone who’s ever dealt with having one, and especially to those who, like her, are plagued by undiagnosed medical issues of the reproductive system.

Aug 24 2024 | By | Reply More
Land Under Wave

Land Under Wave

★★★★☆ Enchanting

The Young Edinburgh Storytellers revive their acclaimed production Land Under Wave at this year’s Fringe, and it remains an otherworldly treat.

Aug 24 2024 | By | Reply More


★★★★☆ Timely

A whirlwind time-travelling trawl through the history of five “mad” women and the history teacher who awakened their ghosts, koi collective’s Hysterical speaks truth to hysteria, and the many ways ordinary women have been maligned for stepping out of the narrowly defined boundaries society has erected for them.

Aug 24 2024 | By | Reply More
Ring That Bell!

Ring That Bell!

★★★★☆ Eternal

Welcome to hell! Please be seated and give your attention to the orientation presentation on your eternal stay in the centre of the earth.

Aug 24 2024 | By | Reply More
Regina Vagina

Regina Vagina

★★★★★ Smash

Hosted by William “Shakey” Shakespeare Regina Vagina, a new historical comedy musical from Erstwhile Media, takes a satirical romp through the life of Elizabeth I, famously known as the Virgin Queen, and asks the all-important questions: But did she?

Aug 23 2024 | By | Reply More
Trial by Jury

Trial by Jury

★★★★☆ Spritely

Cat-Like Tread presents a spritely rendition of Gilbert & Sullivan’s one-act comic opera, Trial by Jury that entirely fulfils its brief: light, fun, and more than a little ridiculous.

Aug 21 2024 | By | Reply More
Well Played

Well Played

★★★★☆ Snappy

Well Played from Josie Rose Productions is the kind of work you hope to see at the Fringe: new writing performed to a high standard by up and coming artists; needs work, but is getting the opportunity to grind off its rough edges in front of an enthusiastic crowd.

Aug 20 2024 | By | Reply More
Antonio’s Revenge

Antonio’s Revenge

★★☆☆☆ Unfathomable

Antonio’s Revenge is a definite oddity, not made any less strange by its staging by Edinburgh/New Zealand company Half Trick Theatre at C alto on even dates of the Fringe only.

Aug 19 2024 | By | Reply More