Nathan M Wright
Rocky Horror Show
★★★★☆ Anything but rocky
There’s a light, over at Greenside Place as The Rocky Horror Show returns to the Playhouse with its 50th anniversary show, says Martin Gray.
The Rocky Horror Show
★★★★☆ Blue moves:
Big, camp and packing a glitter-ball attitude to rock’n’roll, the latest touring production of The Rocky Horror Show piles in to the Playhouse for the final week of its extended UK tour.
Crazy for You Youth Review 1
★★★☆☆ Timeless yet modern:
Terrifically timed tapping toes and the pipes to deliver incredible vocals retell a love story from the Wild West, but what seems to be missing is true character development.
Crazy for You
★★★☆☆ Song and dance:
Big tap dance routines and even bigger set pieces dominate the Watermill Theatre’s touring production of Crazy for You at the Playhouse until Saturday, but at the expense of the chemistry in the big romances of the show.