Barbara Rafferty

★★★☆☆ Energetic:
A musical about women at the bingo would seem a natural for a warm-hearted, reassuringly couthy comedy. Instead, Bingo! ends up as a much swearier, somewhat darker affair that provides entertainment but is let down by its structure.

Cuttin’ A Rug
✭✭✭✭✩ Cuts like mustard:
Fizzing with energy and wisecracking brio, the Citizens Theatre’s production of John Byrne’s Cuttin’ A Rug – at the King’s till Saturday – also has a careful and deep humanity.

Yer Granny
✭✭✭✩✩ Saucy:
Hugely – if inconsistently – funny, but lacking real dramatic impact, Yer Granny at the King’s is certainly crowd-pleasing but does not seem destined to linger long in the memory.

The Devil Masters
✭✭✩✩✩ Lacks bite:
Uneven and stiltedly political, The Devil Masters is a peculiar festive offering from the Traverse.