About & ©opyright
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This website is run by Thom Dibdin, freelance journalist and until 2022, Scotland Correspondent of The Stage newspaper. As a freelance journalist I have a special interest in writing about Edinburgh, theatre and the arts.
It carries contributions from other writers. If you would like to write for the site, please do use the contact form to get in touch.
Copyright and using content on your site
The copyright on all writing on this website is owned by Thom Dibdin or the credited author of the piece. If you would like to quote short excerpts of reviews or other content, please feel free to do so with a credit to the author, this site and a direct link (not a shortened url) back to the original article.
If you would like to quote whole articles, or lift substantial sections of articles and post them on your own website, I am very happy to discuss a licensing arangement. You may license content for a reasonable fee (see below) – or even for free – and include that excerpt or article on a website, newsletter, e-bulletin or what ever. Please contact me using the contact page here if you are interested in discussing licensing options
It is not ok to lift work from this site without my express permission. I earn my living from my writing and if you would like to carry work from this site on your website, I am very happy to discuss a payment.
If you would like to print out a review for publicity purposes, feel free to do so, so long as you carry the whole review, unedited, and include credits. If you would like to print out or make a pdf of a review for archival purposes, that is fine too – so long as it is for your own use and you do not duplicate it or disseminate it electronically.
Photographs used on the site are mostly provided as support to specific pieces of theatre. My policy is to credit all photographers and indicate who the copyright holder is. Just because a photograph is used on this site does not mean you can use it on yours. Please ask the copyright holder before doing so!
If you would like to use any content from this site, the starting rate is £40 for a hundred words, for print or online use. All unauthorised use will be charged at this rate.
This website started out life as the Annals of the Edinburgh Stage in 2009, before transforming into All Edinburgh Theatre in 2013. Why that original name?
In 1888, Richard Cameron of Edinburgh published The Annals of the Edinburgh Stage (with an account of the Rise and Progress of Dramatic Writing in Scotland) by James C. Dibdin. It tells the history of Edinburgh’s theatres from the early Mystery plays with Scotland’s unique Abbot of Unreason up until the late 19th century.
It’s a history Dibdin used to good effect in his novel of the ‘45, The Cleekim Inn, which includes an episode set in Taylor’s Hall in the Cowgate, based on the so-called Culloden riot of April 17, 1749. Great stuff, and it seemed that the title of his work was a fitting one to give this website, which aims to give a reasonable account of all the current happenings on Edinburgh’s stages, both large and small. And, should they occur, of any riots in the auditoriums.
Over time, with the addition of advertising to the site and the need for a name which was more descriptive and easy to search for, All Edinburgh Theatre seemed appropriate. For starters, that’s what it is. And it meant I could keep using the Æ logo.
Advertising & Affiliate links
All Edinburgh Theatre carries paid-for advertising. An advertisement on the site does not guarantee the quality of a production – or indeed a positive review on the site.
If you would like to advertise on this site please use the contact page here to get in touch and I will forward you the rate card.
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Further details of the different affiliate programmes we participate in (and a whole load of links) are on the Support Æ page.
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