EdFringe 2023 Professional & Funded Theatre
Edinburgh-made professional and funded theatre at #EdFringe 2023
Here are listings for the 17 theatre productions by Edinburgh-based professional and funded companies at the Fringe in 2023.
It’s tricky to draw a clear line between grassroots and professional companies. This listing includes work which is produced or performed by a funded organisation or receives funding from the likes of the Made in Scotland Showcase, as well as work which is successfully touring on a commercial basis.
There are 169 shows Made in Edinburgh at #EdFringe this year. In order to make things clearer, we have divided the listing up into seven parts. On this page you can find an alphabetical listing of all the theatre by Edinburgh’s professional and funded companies.
Here are links to the other listings:
Theatre by Edinburgh’s Amateur companies.
Theatre by Edinburgh’s Grassroots companies.
Theatre by Edinburgh’s Youth and Student companies.
Theatre for children and young people.
Edinburgh-made Musical Theatre & Opera.
Edinburgh-made Dance, Cabaret & Spoken Word.
We are also proud to work with EPAD to produce and publish their annual listing of shows “created, performed or produced by Edinburgh’s theatre professionals” which is here.
Traverse Theatre Company
Traverse Theatre (Venue 15)
1 – 27 Aug (not 2- 4, 7, 14, 21): “10:00, 13:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 19:00, 22:00” (1 hour 20 minutes)
A black comedy full of unexpected tenderness from Kieran Hurley, writer of 2019 smash-hit Mouthpiece, that explores the gulf between generations, the futility of blame culture, and how we can improve things for those who come after us. Further details.
Black Is The Color Of My Voice
Apphia Campbell presented by James Seabright
Pleasance at EICC (Venue 150)
14 – 19 Aug (not 16): 15:00 (1 hour 10 minutes)
Apphia Campbell’s solo inspired by Nina Simone. Back for five shows only to celebrate its 10th birthday. ‘Goes beyond impersonation’ ★★★★ (Times). ‘Nothing short of sensational’ ★★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com). ‘Compelling and heartbreaking’ ★★★★ (EdFestMag.com). Further details.
Concerned Others
Tortoise in a Nutshell
Summerhall (Venue 26)
2 – 27 Aug (not 14, 21): 14:45 (45 minutes)
An intimate performance collides immersive soundscapes, shoebox installations, turntables, micro-projection and 32mm figures to explore a defining crisis. Multi award-winning Tortoise in a Nutshell presents the stories of families, friends, and carers supporting people suffering from substance addiction. Part of the MadeInScotlandShowcase.com. Further details.
Deaf Action Presents: Faslane by Amy Helena
Amy Helena
Deaf Action (Venue 498)
19 Aug: 18:00 (1 hour)
Scottish Storytelling Centre (Venue 30)
20 Aug: 16:00 (1 hour)
An enthralling BSL retelling of the play Faslane with English interpretation, accessible to both Deaf and hearing audiences. With her family having worked in Faslane all her life, and her friends protesting at the gates, Jenna endeavours to understand her relationship to Trident, the wider nuclear debate and activism. Venue 498 details. Venue 30 details.
Deaf Action Presents: Red Aphrodite by Amy Murray
Amy Murray
Deaf Action (Venue 498)
12/13 Aug: 19:15 (1 hour)
Amy Murray is inspired by a monologue called My Angry Vagina from The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. She ends up exploring more interesting facts about this topic. Further details.
The Fantastic Life of Minnie Rubinski
Vision mechanics
Vision Mechanics’ Studio, 81 Great Junction Street, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 5HZ (Venue )
14-27 Aug: 10:30 – 18:00 (45mins)
Minnie Rubinski, now in her eighties and living in a care home, looks back on her fantastic life. But what is real and what is fantasy and does it really matter? Theatre exhibition featuring installation, marionettes and film. “an outstanding piece of work” Joyce McMillan, The Scotsman ***** Recommended for age 14+ Further details.
The Grand Old Opera House Hotel
Traverse Theatre Company with Dundee Rep Theatre
Traverse Theatre (Venue 15)
4 – 27 Aug (not 7, 14, 21): “10:00, 13:00, 14:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00” (1 hour 30 minutes)
Amongst volatile guests, inept management and a supporting cast of ghosts, shy Aaron searches a restless hotel for the voice that captured his heart in this ensemble comedy full of live song. Part of the MadeInScotlandShowcase.com. Further details.
I Hope Your Flowers Bloom
Raymond Wilson, presented by All the Figs
Scottish Storytelling Centre (Venue 30)
2 – 27 Aug (not 9, 13, 16, 20): 16:00 (1 hour)
Flitting between romantic obsession and botanical description, this semi-autobiographical piece by Raymond Wilson offers a raw, moving and genuinely humorous exploration of healthy masculinity, self-worth and working-class access to nature. Through his friendship with Flo and her modern nomadic lifestyle, Raymond attempts to escape the greyness of the Glasgow scheme into Scotland’s natural world, with some unflinching self-reflection along the way. MadeInScotlandShowcase.com. Further details.
Traverse Theatre Company presents Nassim Soleimanpour Productions and Bush Theatre
Traverse Theatre (Venue 15)
22 – 27 Aug: “10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00” (1 hour 15 minutes)
Written by Nassim Soleimanpour. Directed by Omar Elerian. No rehearsals. No preparation. Just a sealed envelope and an actor reading a script for the first time. Nassim follows Soleimanpour’s audacious, globally acclaimed White Rabbit Red Rabbit. Further details.
Revelations of Rab McVie
Maria Rud and The Filthy Tongues
Pleasance Courtyard (Venue 33)
24/25 Aug: 15:30 (1 hour)
An immersive journey through a mesmeric dreamscape of live painting, live music and theatre. Directed by Maria Pattinson, alt-rock from post-punk soothsayers The Filthy Tongues, Animotion Show artist Maria Rud and actor Tam Dean Burn. Further details.
Sean and Daro Flake It ‘Til They Make It
Traverse Theatre Company
Traverse Theatre (Venue 15)
5 – 20 Aug (not 7, 14): “10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00” (1 hour 15 minutes)
A story of friendship, finances and flakes – enjoy a heartwarming journey across Scotland as two friends discover what it takes to survive in the chilly world of cold confectionery. Further details.
Shakespeare for Breakfast
C theatre
C ARTS | C venues | C aurora (Venue 6)
2 – 27 Aug (not 14): 10:00 (50 minutes)
The Bardic Breakfasters are back! C’s sensational Shakespearience returns for our 32nd Fringe, with free coffee and croissants! A pleasing plethora of pentameter, puns and pastry. Perfect for hardened Bard fans or blank-verse virgins. www.ctheatre.com Further details.
Shakespeare Up Late: A Right Royal Visit
C theatre
C ARTS | C venues | C aquila (Venue 21)
2 – 27 Aug (not 14): 22:40 (45 minutes)
All-new Shakespearian shenanigans from the company behind Shakespeare for Breakfast. Macbeth meets Ubu, puns and parody meet politics in this satirical and sweary chaotic tragi-comedy. Will fair be foul or foul fair? www.ctheatre.com Further details.
Sherlock Holmes The Last Act
Fringe Management
theSpace @ Surgeons Hall (Venue 53)
4 – 26 Aug (not 13): 16:25 (1 hour)
1916. Watson’s funeral. Sherlock Holmes returns to Baker Street and is compelled to tell his absent friend all that he should have told him when he was alive, including a shocking secret. Further details.
What Girls Are Made Of
Raw Material / Traverse
Assembly Rooms (Venue 20)
4 – 27 Aug (not 9, 14, 21): 13:00 (1 hour 25 minutes)
Cora Bissett’s rollercoaster journey from 90s indie-kid to wised-up woman. Touring with Radiohead, partying with Blur, she was living the dream. Until she wasn’t. With a live band, Cora celebrates life’s euphoric highs and epic lows, asking what wisdom we should pass to the next generation, and which glorious mistakes we should let them make. Further details.
What You See When Your Eyes Are Closed / What You Don’t See When Your Eyes Are Open
Mamoru Iriguchi
Summerhall (Venue 26)
2 – 27 Aug (not 714/15, 21): 19:15 (1 hour)
Monster vs Hero. Seeing vs Being Seen. Theatre vs Television. Husband vs Husband. Further details.
Who Killed My Father
Surrogate Productions
Summerhall (Venue 26)
22 – 27 Aug: 10:10 (1 hour)
Growing up gay in a small town in France, Édouard endured the violence and homophobia of his father, a factory worker. Today, he uncovers a connection between political decisions and his father’s broken body. Further details.