Dougal Thomson

Checking In

Checking In

★★★★☆ Captivating

Bringing a fresh energy to the many familiar fictional tropes that use death as a character is a tough job. However, Simply Surreal carries it off with ease in Checking In, a laugh out loud, pacey and thought-provoking two-hander written by Dougal Thomson and directed by Lisa McDonald.

Aug 8 2024 | By | Reply More
Past Life

Past Life

★★★☆☆ Strong comedy

Set in what initially appears to be the backstage area of a theatre, Past Life from Simply Surreal, at Greenside Riddles Court for the last week of the Fringe only, provides a glimpse into the life of a reality TV show host and, in a humorous way, reveals it to be a fairy miserable existence.

Aug 23 2022 | By | Reply More


★★★☆☆ Initially intriguing:

Arrivals, by Twelve Twelve and New Celts at theSpace on the Mile, is an odd beast. It is probably fair to describe Dougal Thomson’s script as two plays; one that works very well, and one that is less successful.

Aug 8 2019 | By | Reply More
The Second Coming

The Second Coming

★☆☆☆☆  Ouch:
Flat and lacking in laughter, Simply Surreal’s The Second Coming at theSpace on North Bridge tries hard to provoke, but fails.

Aug 18 2017 | By | 2 Replies More