Katie Barnett

My Doric Diary
★★★★☆ Beautifully emotional
My Doric Diary by Aye Tunes! Is a beautifully emotional tale of the importance of family connection, roots and memories brought together through music, a love of the Doric tongue and time travel.

My Doric Diary
★★★☆☆ Affa fine
A breezy, charming musical tale of family, time travel and the cultural cringe, the final offering in this season of A Play, A Pie and A Pint at the Traverse is My Doric Diary by Aye Tunes! (Katie Barnett and Jamie Siggens).

PPP: A New Life (A Mini Musical)
★★★☆☆ Emotional
A New Life (A Mini Musical) at the Traverse every lunchtime this week is certainly not ‘mini’ in its emotional scope or its ambition.

Rapunzel – A Hairy Tale Adventure
★★★☆☆Festive fun:
The National Theatre of Scotland’s Rapunzel is full of enjoyment and impressive performances. Although it never quite stakes its claim as a compelling work in its own right, there is plenty to satisfy those missing their annual helping of seasonal entertainment.

Hay Fever
★★★☆☆ Too cool:
Solidly acted but only sporadically funny, the Lyceum and the Citizens Theatre co-production of Hay Fever is entirely serviceable but all too forgettable.