John Knox

Nativity! The Musical
★★★★☆ Sparkly and shining
Nativity! The Musical, Captivate Theatre’s seasonal offering at Fettes, is ideal Christmas fare. Full of joy and melody, it sometimes lacks polish, but never lacks heart.

Captivating the Nativity
Captivate stage Nativity! the Musical
Local company Captivate Theatre is bringing a production of Nativity! The Musical to Edinburgh for six performances only this Christmas, alongside its new take on A Christmas Carol.

One Man Two Guvnors
★★★★☆ Snappy
There is a great deal of fun to be had in Captivate Theatre’s production of One Man Two Guvnors, Richard Bean’s knowing adaptation of Carlo Goldoni at the Rose theatre for the final week of the Fringe.

The Guvnors are coming!
Captivate venture into theatre outwith the Fringe
Local amateur Edinburgh fringe favourites Captivate Theatre are stepping out from the comfort of fringe audiences to bring their version of One Man, Two Guvnors, to the Brunton, Musselburgh.