Æ News – Roxy Closure forces Glengarry Move
Venue Closes – But ThreeMile Show Goes On
By Thom Dibdin
Edinburgh-based ThreeMile Theatre Company have announced that their production of David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross will go ahead on Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 November, but at the changed location of the Adam House Theatre. The performance time will now be 7.30pm.
The production was originally booked to play the Roxy Art House on the same dates, but at 7pm. However, the Roxy was closed overnight on 28 October when its owners, the Edinburgh University Settlement, went into administration.
“It is unfortunate that this has happened to the Roxy but we decided that the show must go on and weren’t prepared to change the dates,” ThreeMile’s Mike Gillan told the Annals.
First produced in 1983 at the National Theatre, Glengarry Glen Ross is a a controlled explosion of greed, vitriol and expletives as four real-estate salesmen lie, cheat and abuse each other in a vicious exposure of the greed that is the nightmare reality of the American Dream. The Royal Lyceum produced the play in 2001, with Kenny Ireland directing Lou Hirsch, Ronnie Simon, Mark McDonnell and Tom McGovern.
Yvonne Paterson directs the ThreeMile production of this Pulitzer Prize-winning play, as ThreeMile pursue their aim to present theatre that reflects life.
As Adam Smith has a larger capacity and because ThreeMile are unable to set up alternative advance ticket purchases, tickets will be available at the door on the night, or via any cast member. Tickets already purchased for The Roxy will be honoured. Those who have made such purchases should turn up at the Adam House Theatre with a proof of purchase. E-mail info@threemile.co.uk for clarification, should it be needed.
Glengarry Glen Ross
Adam House Theatre, 3 Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1HR
Tuesday 9-Wednesday 10 November, 7.30pm.
Tickets £10 (£8 Concessions)
ThreeMile Website