Aran Pince-Tappe
Sunshine on Leith
✭✭✭✭✩ Joyful
Young critics scheme review:
Captivate Theatre reprise their take on Sunshine on Leith, Stephen Greenhorn’s feel-good jukebox musical, based on the songs of the Proclaimers.
Skins and Hoods
✭✭✭✩✩ Gets under the skin:
Young critics scheme review
After its world debut in the Avignon Festival last year, Cie du Veilieur brings Gustave Akakpo’s exploration of identity to the French Institute for the 2015 Festival Fringe.
Double Bill
“✭✭✭✭✩ Character-driven”
Young critics scheme review:
Theatre Alba present a double bill at Duddingston Kirk Manse of Chekhov’s Smoking is Bad for You and Tennessee Williams’ Something Unspoken.