BBC Radio 3

Sex and death – selling theatres
There’s nothing like a good story to set the pulse racing. Especially one that promises sex, absolute peril or triumph over adversity. Last night on Radio 3, Joyce McMillan’s fantastic little homage to the Traverse Theatre – which you can’t really escape noticing is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year – had all three.

Traverse on Radio 3
A documentary marking Traverse Theatre’s 50th anniversary is to be broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on Sunday 17 March at 7.45pm as the station’s Sunday Feature.

Traverse’s Hill directs Radio 3’s Seagull
By Thom Dibdin The Traverse’s artistic director, Dominic Hill, has directed Chekhov’s The Seagull for BBC Radio 3, with Siobhan Redmond and Paul Higgins heading up a cast of leading Scottish actors.