Ben Pearson
No Place Called Home
★★★☆☆ Climate crisis drama
Whilst the production team and cast of No Place Called Home are predominantly students, ThirdCulture Productions are not a student led company. At a time when cuts to arts funding in Scotland are making the news again, it’s refreshing to see current and former students committing their immediate future to Edinburgh.
Things I Know to be True
★★★★☆ Captivating
Things I Know to be True by the Australian writer, Andrew Bovell, staged by Edinburgh University Theatre Company at the Bedlam to Saturday, is a less well-known piece, although Higher Drama students may know it intimately.
Fire Signs
★★★☆☆ Relatable
Fire Signs from the Edinburgh University Theatre Company at Pleasance Courtyard until August 15, is a celebration of the intensity of friendships at university.