Cat-like Tread
Trial by Jury
★★★★☆ Spritely
Cat-Like Tread presents a spritely rendition of Gilbert & Sullivan’s one-act comic opera, Trial by Jury that entirely fulfils its brief: light, fun, and more than a little ridiculous.
The Sorcerer
★★★★☆ What larks:
For careful execution and straightforward fun, it is difficult to imagine many recent productions of Gilbert and Sullivan have beaten Cat-Like Tread’s The Sorcerer at Paradise in Augustines.
Cat-like try-out
Come-and-try G&S event:
Edinburgh-based amateur musicals company, Cat-Like Tread, is holding an open come-and-try event at Edinburgh Academy this weekend, Saturday 19 November 2016.
H.M.S. Pinafore
★★★☆☆ Shipshape:
There is a straightforward likeability to Cat Like Tread’s H.M.S. Pinafore that helps it to overcome some less confident moments.
Cat-Like Pinafore
It’s Pinafore Captain, but not as we know it
Guest post from Vinca Russell:
This fringe, in amongst a host of new musicals and interpretations of hot Broadway shows, there are just two written by Gilbert and Sullivan.
The Pirates of Penzance
✭✭✭✩✩ Cheerfully direct
Bright and breezy, newly-formed Edinburgh musical theatre company Cat Like Tread trip giddily through The Pirates of Penzance at Spotlites @ The Merchants’ Hall.