Chloe-Ann Tylor
Same Team
★★★★★ Unmissable!
The combined frenzy of the Fringe and the Paris Olympics couldn’t be a more apt time to stage Same Team at The Traverse Theatre, directed by Bryony Shanahan and written by Robbie Gordon and Jack Nurse with the women of Street Soccer Scotland.
PPP: Hotdog
★★★☆☆ Powerful
Hotdog by Ellen Ritchie, this week’s lunchtime theatre at the Traverse, is a powerful if uneven production, extremely well performed.
Same Team – A Street Soccer Story
★★★★☆ Exhilarating
Same Team – A Street Soccer Story, the Traverse’s December production, may be short on tinsel – but in its thought-provoking and frequently exuberant nature, it is peculiarly apposite for the season.
Battery Park
★★★★☆ Musically convincing
Battery Park, the touring production from Sleeping Warrior and the Beacon Arts Centre at the Traverse for two nights only, is a gripping and tuneful piece of theatre.
Thrown (EIF)
★★★★☆ Substantial
The National Theatre of Scotland’s Thrown, at the Traverse as part of the International Festival, is an intelligent and powerful piece of theatre.
★★★★☆ Full of aces
Chloe-Ann Tylor is utterly captivating in her performance of Svengali, a gripping new monologue written and directed by Eve Nicol, produced in association with Pitlochry Festival Theatre and Pleasance Theatre.
Mrs Puntila and Her Man Matti
★★☆☆☆ Flat:
Mrs Puntila and Her Man Matti at the Lyceum is full of energy and has no shortage of comic potential. However, the end result is puzzlingly uninvolving.