Craig Dixon

Sinbad the Pantomime

Sinbad the Pantomime

★★★★☆ Sin-good

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas as Sinbad sails into Musselburgh’s Brunton Theatre for the festive season. And with the Arabian Nights legend, played with gusto by Calum Barbour, comes a slew of familiar faces making up the supporting cast.

Nov 26 2022 | By | 1 Reply More


★★★★☆  Oh yes it is…. Terrific!

It’s Cinderella with a touch of The Greatest Showman at this year’s fun-filled Brunton-produced panto, running through the festive season until January.

Nov 30 2019 | By | Reply More
Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd

★★★★★   A cut above:

Captivate Theatre’s revival of last year’s Fringe production of Sweeney Todd has matured over the months, and is a must-see as it reaches the Brunton Theatre.

Apr 27 2018 | By | Reply More