Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland

Artists plea at CATS

Artists plea at CATS

Romanes warns of “sector of administrators”:
Muriel Romanes has used her award of a CATS Whiskers at this year’s Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland to call for the artist to be put at the heart of theatre.

Jun 13 2016 | By | 2 Replies More
Critics celebrate Romanes

Critics celebrate Romanes

Special CATS Whiskers award for ex Stellar Quines AD:
The Critics Award for Theatre in Scotland will recognise recently departed Stellar Quines artistic director Muriel Romanes for her role as a “tremendous force” in promoting the work of women in Scottish Theatre.

Jun 3 2016 | By | 1 Reply More
Lyceum is CATS delight

Lyceum is CATS delight

17 noms for Lyceum in critics’ awards:
Edinburgh-based companies dominate this year’s nominations for the annual Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland

May 15 2015 | By | Reply More
Cool for Edinburgh CATS

Cool for Edinburgh CATS

Edinburgh’s theatres and theatre companies come out particularly well in the shortlists for the 2012/13 CATS, the Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland, which have just been announced. Eighteen of the 41 nominations are for Edinburgh-based productions with a further eight for shows touring to the city.

May 9 2013 | By | Reply More
Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland nominations announced

Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland nominations announced

CATS eye-up Glasgow and Dundee but not Edinburgh By Thom Dibdin Edinburgh Theatres have been largely passed over in the nominations shortlists for the Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland, announced on Thursday 10 May. The annual awards, chosen by Scotland’s theatre critics, are now in their tenth year. Any professional theatre production, substantially produced […]

May 10 2012 | By | Reply More