Dani Heron

★★★★☆ More than a sex comedy
ADULTS, the new play from Kieran Hurley, writer of 2019 hit Mouthpiece, brings Conleth Hill, currently starring in the Power of Parker and known to many for his role in Game of Thrones, to the Edinburgh Fringe.

PPP: Ten Things To Do Before You Die
★★★☆☆ Poignant performances
There is much to recommend in Dani Heron’s Ten Things To Do Before You Die, the latest Play, Pie and a Pint at the Traverse. Both humorous and emotional, the production manages to overcome drawbacks in its script.

Rebus: Long Shadows
★★★☆☆ Overshadowed:
Despite boasting the talents of two of Scotland’s greatest writers and a more than adequate cast, Rebus: Long Shadows, at the King’s until Saturday, is nowhere near as compelling as the stage debut of Edinburgh’s most celebrated fictional policeman should be.

Rebus full casting
Full cast announced for Long Shadows:
The full cast has been announced for Rebus: Long Shadows, which tours to the Edinburgh King’s in October after opening at Birmingham Rep, while Robin Lefevre will now direct.

★★★☆☆ Genuine:
There is a generosity and sincerity to Jumpy at the Lyceum, allied to some impressive acting, even if the end result is not as overwhelming as it might be.

The Venetian Twins
★★★★☆ Double the fun:
Broad, finely honed and never afraid of a corny joke, The Venetian Twins is a huge, rip-roaring thing. It is all rather silly, but is none the worse for that.

A Perfect Stroke – Review
★★★★★ Perfectly stroked:
Tense and nervous drama of the kind that just won’t relax comes to the Traverse this week in the second instalment of the Spring 2014 season of lunch time theatre: A Play a Pie and a Pint.