Darren Coutts
Jesus Christ Superstar
★★★☆☆ Creative direction:
Captivate Theatre rock Jesus Christ Superstar at the Rose Theatre, spotlighting some spectacular performers from the Edinburgh’s amateur theatrical scene.
Jesus Christ Superstar
★★★☆☆ Fraught:
The doubts of Jesus as he waits for his death are brought to the fore in Captivate Theatre’s all-singing all-dancing production of Jesus Christ Superstar at the Rose Street Theatre.
Sweeney Todd
★★★★★ A cut above:
Captivate Theatre’s revival of last year’s Fringe production of Sweeney Todd has matured over the months, and is a must-see as it reaches the Brunton Theatre.
Sweeney Todd
★★★★☆ Bloodily brilliant:
The dark streets of Victorian London come to life in this thrilling production of Sweeney Todd by Captivate Theatre.
Review – The Sorcerer
★★★☆☆ Slight of hand:
Fun and frothy, there is little to deconstruct in Edinburgh G&S Society’s entertaining and distinctly slight production of The Sorcerer, which is at the Church Hill theatre to Saturday.
Review – Smooth and Saxy
It’s a bijou night out at the Queen Charlotte Rooms this week, where local big stage musical specialists, Tempo, are putting on a smooching cabaret-style affair in the upper room as part of the Leith Festival.
Æ Musical Review – Gypsy
It is easy to see why Gypsy has been described as one of the greatest American musicals as Tempo’s production hits its stride and starts cruising through the numbers.