Dylan Read

Treasure Island
★★★★☆ Creative
Treasure Island, the Lyceum’s family Christmas show, is an enchanting production whose energy and visual invention compensate for the occasional mis-step.

★★★★☆ Dark
Tortoise in a Nutshell has brought all its considerable prowess in live animation to the stage with Ragnarok, a dark and foreboding take on an ancient Norse myth, foretelling the end of our world.

Ubu Roi
★★☆☆☆ Patter, physical
There is no shortage of energy in Ludens Ensemble’s take on Ubu Roi. However, that energy is dissipated in an over-indulgent production.

Macbeth: Without Words.
★★★☆☆ Bold:
Fresh and experimental, the Ludens Ensemble’s reimagining of the Scottish play is an Expressionist fantasia of sound, projection and movement.