Emma Needs

Oedipus & Hands Across the Sea
★★★★☆ Double Dose:
Congratulations to which ever member of the Edinburgh Makars thought of staging Sophocles’ bloody Oedipus in a seemingly incongruous double bill with a Noel Coward one-act farce. Truth is, the incongruity works.

Neighbourhood Watch
★★★☆☆ Stately:
There is a comic and political bite to the Edinburgh Makars’ Neighbourhood Watch that gives it as much impact as other Alan Ayckbourn productions of twice the length and many times the budget.

A Touch of Danger
★★★☆☆ Satisfying thriller:
Short on genuine thrills but consistently enjoyable, the Edinburgh Makars’ production of Francis Durbridge’s A Touch of Danger is a somewhat contrived thriller made more interesting by considered performances.