Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
★★★☆☆ Stately
Edinburgh Theatre Arts’ Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike at St Ninian’s is a careful, intelligent production that is not always as funny as it might be.

Acaste Wanted!
ETA urgent call-out for April production
Edinburgh Theatre Arts has put out an urgent cast call for an actor with the playing age of 20 – 40 years old to play the role of Acaste in its April 2024 production of The Misanthrope.

Ukraine Benefit
ETA’s Christmas entertainment for Ukraine
Edinburgh Theatre Arts is presenting an evening of Christmas-related readings, poems, comedy and song at its St Ninian’s Hall base on this Saturday 3 December at 7.30pm.

Edinburgh’s One Act Finalists
Arbery Productions through to Scottish final:
Two of Edinburgh’s four entries came away with awards at the Eastern Division round of the SCDA One Act Play Festival held at the Church Hill Theatre over the weekend.

One Acts Ride Again
SCDA One Act Festival:
A new trophy will be unveiled at the Edinburgh District leg of the 2019 Scottish Community Drama Association’s one act play competition, which plays at the Church Hill Theatre this week.

Improbable Fiction
★★★★☆ Varieties of fun:
Edinburgh Theatre Arts are not the only group presenting Alan Ayckbourn this year. While other productions may be more high-profile, it is unlikely they will be much more fun than this production of Improbable Fiction at St Ninian’s.

★★★☆☆ Ambitious:
Hugely ambitious, Edinburgh Theatre Arts’ production of Lucy Prebble’s Enron at St Ninian’s is uneven but always intriguing, and gets a lot right.