Ukraine Benefit
ETA’s Christmas entertainment for Ukraine
Edinburgh Theatre Arts is presenting an evening of Christmas-related readings, poems, comedy and song at its St Ninian’s Hall base on this Saturday 3 December at 7.30pm.
The evening will be a benefit in aid of the appeal in association with the Edinburgh Ukrainian Club with all the monies from the £15 entry fee going directly to the charity.
The readings and performances will be from a wide range of writers including R.L. Stevenson, Dylan Thomas, Maya Angelou, Victoria Wood, Joyce Grenfall and Rikki Fulton. There will also be some original material from ETA members.
Special guests The Silver Ukes will be providing some musical entertainment. There will be a cash bar, mince pies and a raffle, with all profits to the appeal.
Tickets are £15 and can be reserved by emailing Edith Peers.
Christmas Entertainment to benefit Ukraine
St Ninian’s Hall, 40 Comely Bank, EH4 1AG
Saturday 3 December 2022
One performance at 7.30pm.
Tickets £15 from Edith Peers on