Fergus Dunnet

Pickled Republic
★★★★★ Unique
In Pickled Republic, Ruxy Cantir has drawn on her Moldovan upbringing, where almost every vegetable can be pickled, and combined it with her exposure to American education and culture to create a totally unique, absurdist play that can be enjoyed on many different levels.

Grid Iron New Show
Doppler announced for August dates:
Edinburgh-based site-specific specialist theatre company Grid Iron has announced provisional dates for its new production of Doppler, from as early as Monday 24 August, if lockdown eases as expected.

Strange Tales
★★★☆☆ Cultural collision:
There are certainly moments of magic in Strange Tales, the Christmas co-production between Grid Iron and the Traverse, but they are too few and far between.

Uncanny Valley
★★★★☆ Shiny new:
Direct and clear, Rob Drummond gets right among all the big questions in this interactive production which is part of the International Science Festival.