Fred Meller

★★★☆☆ Gut-wrenching:
There are moments in Gut – presented by the Traverse in association with the National Theatre of Scotland – where it is difficult to breathe, such is the power of Frances Poet’s psychological thriller. However, there are also stretches which are far less compelling, or even entirely convincing.

Meet Me at Dawn
★★★★☆ Mythic emotion:
Meet Me At Dawn, a new play by Zinnie Harris presented by the EIF at the Traverse, is a sombre but beautifully open-hearted depiction of love, loss and regret.

A Number
★★★★☆ Human intelligence:
Philosophical questions that have puzzled us for centuries are given a contemporary yet timeless spin in A Number, presented by the Lyceum in partnership with the Edinburgh International Science Festival.

Grain In The Blood
★★★☆☆ Well performed:
Strong performances and notably high production values distinguish Grain In The Blood at the Traverse, but an initially chilling ambience is not sustained.

★★☆☆☆ Disconnected:
The premiere of Ross Dunsmore’s Milk at the Traverse is well acted and carefully staged. However, it never overcomes an unsatisfactory construction.