Georgie Rodgers

The Producers
★★★☆☆ Dedicated:
Taking on the maestro of satire, Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group drags the Pleasance theatre onto Broadway for their performance of Mel Brooks’ The Producers, swastikas and all.

Blue Stockings
★★★☆☆ Fierce
There is a real sense of anger and fight to the EUTC’s production of Jessica Swale’s Blue Stockings at the Bedlam to Saturday, about the first female students at Cambridge University.

Macbeth Kills The Duchess
★★★★☆ Tragic comedy:
A plot to murder a member of the royal family takes centre stage in the debut run of the tragic comedy Macbeth kills The Duchess.

★★★☆☆ Ambitious:
By turns absurd, winsome and tragic, Theatre Paradok’s Lippy at theSpace on the Mile is a challenging, bleakly funny and ultimately impenetrable affair.