Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose

★★★★☆ Unstoppable
Filled with banter and the odd Gaelic phrase, PALS at the Gilded Balloon Patter House is a brilliant adventure-comedy that will have you laughing one minute and holding back tears the next.

The Steamie
★★★★★ Hilarious & heartfelt
Stage Door Entertainment brings Tony Roper’s classic play The Steamie to the Fringe with heart, humour, and honesty.

The Beatles Were A Boyband
★★★★☆ Deeply affecting
The Beatles Were A Boyband, Rachel O’Regan’s Fringe First winning play for F-Bomb Theatre, returns to the Gilded Balloon for a short run this year. Written in the wake of some high profile murders, it sadly still feels relevant a year on.

★★★☆☆ Convincingly performed
Frizz Theatre’s Swallowed is a production whose desire for topicality proves a drawback. Nevertheless, two excellent performances redeem any deficiencies.

Madame George
★★★☆☆ Great chemistry:
Madame George, by award winning playwright Keir McAllister at Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose on Chambers Street, is a dark comedy filled with easy laughs that are tinged with a great sadness.