Gill Robertson

Edinburgh, Cream of the CATS
Edinburgh companies win half CATS 2024
Three Edinburgh companies shared half the Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland 2024 (CATS), awarded in a ceremony at the Glasgow Theatre Royal today, Sunday 16 June.

Edinburgh companies up for the CATS
Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland shortlist announced
Edinburgh-based companies and venues have been nominated in every category of this year’s CATS, the Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland. A total of 10 productions from six different producers have secured a total of 20 nominations between them.

Lightning Ridge
★★★★☆ Evocative
Lightning Ridge, Catherine Wheels’ adaptation of Pobby and Dingan, Ben Rice’s novella for young people, is a remarkably involved piece of storytelling about imagination, loss and the nature of community.

Christmas Dinner
★★★★☆ Touchingly funny
Christmas Dinner may be something of a stopgap as this year’s Lyceum show, but it proves a success in its own right. Amusing, energetic, and wearing its considerable profundity lightly, it should appeal to the widest possible audience.

White Easter Egg
Catherine Wheels’ White gets Easter streaming
Catherine Wheels are to live stream Any Manley’s smash hit children’s theatre play White for free on YouTube over the Easter weekend, Friday 10 – Monday 13 April 2020.

★★★★☆ Gorgeous:
Shona Reppe’s puppet version of Cinderella at the Traverse until Christmas Eve is a thing of airy, subtle wonder.

Curiouser and Curiouser
Shona Reppe talks of a tiny marvel:
There is something quite unique about the work of Shona Reppe, who is bringing her clever and particular show, The Curious Scrapbook of Josephine Bean to the Scottish Storytelling Centre this week.

★★★☆☆ Refreshing
A cheerful directness and generosity of spirit permeate Waves at the Old Lab in Summerhall. However, there is an underdeveloped feel at times that threatens to detract from its fresh and infectious atmosphere.

The Voice Thief
✭✭✭✭✩ Resounding success:
Involving, clever, and with an intriguing melancholy and subtle political edge, The Voice Thief at Summerhall is thoroughly recommended for all.

The Voice Thief
✭✭✭✭✩ Interactive magic
Young critics scheme review:
Surreal, entertaining and quirky, The Voice Thief performed by Catherine Wheels takes you on an interactive tour of MIEVH, a voice correction facility.