
Leitheatre’s £5k appeal
Crowdfunding appeal to cover cancelation losses
The cancellation of The Odd Couple because of Covid in the cast has cost Leitheatre dearly, the company has revealed as it has set up a crowdfunding appeal to cover its costs.

★★★★★ Outstanding
History by Roy Williams is not only the best so far of the offerings on the Lyceum and Pitlochry Festival Theatre’s Sound Stage audio platform, it must also have a claim to be the most essential of all the audio dramas provided by theatres in the last 18 months.

Church Hill Hitting 50
Edinburgh’s dedicated amateur theatre:
In 2015, it will 50 years since the Church Hill in Morningside opened as a theatre after converting from the Morningside High Church. Gordon Braidwood looks back at events at the time.

Theatre at Previously… history fest
History is no longer “bunk”, thanks to the fantastically inventive festival Previously… running 13 – 30 November, created and championed in Edinburgh by Susan Morrison.