Holy Cow Performing Arts

Æ News – Geoffrey and an Angel top SCDA One-Acts
St Serf’s triumph in Edinburgh one-act festival By Thom Dibdin St Serf’s Players dominated the Edinburgh District heats of the Scottish Community Drama Association’s 79th annual one-act play competition, held at St Serf’s Hall, Goldenacre, on Saturday. The company’s Clark team came first overall in the heat with Alas Poor Geoffrey by Alistair Falkner, earning […]

Æ News – Edinburgh Am-Drams go Head-to-Head
Edinburgh District heats of SCDA one-act competition held this week:
It is a busy week for those of Edinburgh’s amateur companies which are members of the Scottish Community Drama Association as the first heats of its 79th annual one-act play competition are held at St Serf’s Hall, Goldenacre.