The Moonlit Road
★★★☆☆ Ghoulish:
Suitably disturbing in its content and pleasingly rounded in its construction, Peapod Productions’ The Moonlit Road and other ghostly tales still has uneven patches in its presentation.
Back on the Moonlit Road
Peapod’s tale of terror returns:
The Moonlit Road, Edinburgh-based Peapod Production’s one-man tale of terror and paranoia, is back on tour in Scotland, with a clutch of Halloween dates at Summerhall.
Peapod Prods go on the Moonlit Road
Edinburgh-based shoestring company Peapod Productions will take to the road this autumn with a spooky production based on the tales of Edgar Allan Poe, M.R. James, Bram Stoker and, crucially, Ambrose Bierce.