Ian Cameron

An Unexpected Hiccup
★★★★☆ Joyous
An Unexpected Hiccup, Lung Ha and Plutôt La Vie’s production, which was first staged under COVID conditions, has been revived to herald the new Lung Ha touring company. And what a welcome revival it is.

The Not So Ugly Duckling – A Play for Grownups.
★★★★☆ Transformative
The Not So Ugly Duckling – A Play for Grownups at the Scottish Storytelling Centre by Jo Clifford and Maria MacDonell, is a delightful retelling of Hans Christian Anderson from two adept storytellers.

White Easter Egg
Catherine Wheels’ White gets Easter streaming
Catherine Wheels are to live stream Any Manley’s smash hit children’s theatre play White for free on YouTube over the Easter weekend, Friday 10 – Monday 13 April 2020.

The Secret Garden
★★★★☆ Blooms with delights:
The Secret Garden, Fife-based Red Bridge Arts has once again given a children’s classic a radical makeover without losing the heart of the original story.

★★★★☆ Gorgeous:
Shona Reppe’s puppet version of Cinderella at the Traverse until Christmas Eve is a thing of airy, subtle wonder.

Our Fathers
★★★☆☆ Charming:
Our Fathers at the Traverse has a great deal of talent behind it. The end result is amusing and entertaining but ultimately somewhat too frothy.

★★★★★ Perfect rainbow:
There is a magical sense of discovery to White, the show for two to four year-olds which returns to the Traverse for the run up to Christmas.

Dementia-friendly Clean Sweep
First dementia-friendly performance at Festival Theatre:
Edinburgh’s King’s and Festival Theatres have taken the first step towards becoming one of the first dementia-friendly theatres in the UK, with a specially adapted, dementia-friendly performance from Plutot La Vie.

A Walk at the Edge of the World
✭✭✭✩✩ Beautiful but rambling
A meditative walk through the beautiful environs of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art leads into a slightly rambling dramatic monologue in Magnetic North’s A Walk at the Edge of the World.

The funny men get tragic. And funny.
Innovative Edinburgh-based theatre company Plutot la Vie go out on tour this week, with the English Language premiere of La Tragedie Comique.