Ian Kelsey

The Shawshank Redemption
★★★☆☆ Hopeful:
Cast in the shadows of the Shank, Bill Kenwright breathes life into a new stage production of the Stephen King short story and iconic 1994 film, The Shawshank Redemption.
★★★★☆ Engrossing:
It’s no trial watching this stage version of the classic film The Verdict at the King’s. In fact, it’s a real pleasure seeing washed-up Boston lawyer Frank Galvin get his mojo back as he takes on a case of alleged medical malpractice.
★★★☆☆ Hopeful:
Cast in the shadows of the Shank, Bill Kenwright breathes life into a new stage production of the Stephen King short story and iconic 1994 film, The Shawshank Redemption.