Jai Morjaria

★★★★☆ High impact
There’s plenty to mull over in the high concept, high impact, high-everything modern dress production of Macbeth touring to a quartet of created theatre spaces – and this month spending a fortnight at the Royal Highland Centre.

Iron deficiency
Perf cancelled as Lyceum safety curtain sticks
The Lyceum theatre’s safety curtain stuck on Friday night, during the interval of the Summer on Stage young company’s double bill, so we reviewed Danny 306 twice.

Danny 306 + Me 4eva
★★★☆☆ Comic highs:
Capturing much of the whimsy and regret of David Greig’s 1999 play for young people, the younger of the Lyceum’s Summer on Stage companies make a descent fist of Danny 306 + Me 4eva.