Jonny Farley

Made in Dagenham
★★★★☆ Up-standing:
As the political stew bubbles over the edges of the Westminster cauldron, Allegro’s big and bold production of Made in Dagenham reminds us of a time when politics was a lot more simple – and the issues were even more fundamental.

Review – Sweet Charity
✭✭✭✩✩ Enjoyably ambitious
Consistent entertainment and a high level of skill mark out Allegro’s production of Sweet Charity at the Church Hill all this week, despite the occasional mis-step.

Sweet Charity begins in Morningside
Bob Fosse’s 1966 Broadway hit Sweet Charity, which follows the misadventures of a gullible New York dance hall hostess, arrives at the Church Hill Theatre this week thanks to local amateur company Allegro.