Judith Neeson

Merry Crisis! A Comedy in Carols
★★★★☆ Memorable
The Forth Act’s festive offering: Merry Crisis! A Comedy in Carols, is a heartfelt new one-act with music, good cheer, holiday family drama, and a thorough dusting of joy – all wrapped up in a neat bow.

The Hollow
★★★☆☆ Stately:
Huge care and attention has gone into the staging of Threepenny Theatricals’ version of Agatha Christie’s The Hollow. That care, however, does mean that there is a definite absence of energy in a production that never outstays its welcome but frequently threatens to.

Steel Magnolias
★★★☆☆ Emotionally charged:
There’s strong wit and a spark of real anger to Blackout Productions’ take on Steel Magnolias at the Magnusson Centre in the Edinburgh Academy to Saturday.