Kate Bonney

Men Don’t Talk
★★★★☆ Compelling
Clare Prenton and Genesis Theatre’s Men Don’t Talk is a compelling introduction to the idea of the Men’s Shed Movement, staged in the Netherbow Theatre as part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival, in partnership with Scottish Men’s Shed Association and Luminate.

So Young
★★★★☆ Pointed
So Young by Douglas Maxwell, the Traverse co-production with Raw Material and the Citizens, is a sharply observed, profound and beautifully acted piece of theatre.

Lyceum Christmas Tales IX – XII live
★★★★☆ Creative Joy
The final four stories in the Lyceum Christmas Tales, presented live from the theatre, put the seal on what has been an enterprise suffused with goodwill, invention, care and Christmas cheer.

Lyceum Christmas Tales V – VIII
★★★★☆ Fresh
The last four of the pre-recorded Lyceum Christmas Tales provide another helping of laughter, reflection and hope.

Lyceum Christmas Tales I-IV
★★★★☆ Tasty selection
With festive theatre lacking like so much in 2020, the Lyceum’s online Christmas Tales go along way towards compensating.

Ulster American
★★★★☆ Hard Hitting:
Trailing clouds of glory from 2018, David Ireland’s Ulster American has returned to the Traverse with a bang. If it is not quite as good as some have said, it is still impressive – and certainly is impressively nasty.

Stand By
★★★★★ Gripping:
Adam McNamara’s outstanding Stand By profoundly examines the relationship between four officers amidst the unpredictable rhythms of life on the job.

Uncanny Valley
★★★★☆ Shiny new:
Direct and clear, Rob Drummond gets right among all the big questions in this interactive production which is part of the International Science Festival.