Kevin Rowe
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
★★★☆☆ Solid:
Leitheatre give a meaty and satisfyingly verbal account of Tennessee Williams’ great drama, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, at the Studio of the Festival Theatre, running through to Saturday.
Ten Times Table
★★★★☆ Accomplished:
Ten Times Table, Edinburgh People’s Theatre’s first production of their 75th anniversary year, displays commendable skill and attention to detail in a production that is both funny and involving.
The Crucible
★★☆☆☆ Half-baked:
Leitheatre has made a bold and audacious stroke in its production of The Crucible, using a contemporary setting for Arthur Miller’s great allegory for the anti-communist hysteria in 1950s America.
The Amorous Ambassador
★★★☆☆ A good stab:
Peppered with comic potential, Leitheatre’s production of The Amorous Ambassador clearly has a talented team behind it at the Inverleith St Serf’s Church Centre for the first fortnight of the fringe.
Ane Servant o’ Twa Maisters
✭✭✭✭✩ Gloriously glaikit:
There’s huff, puff and havering a-plenty in Leitheatre’s take on Ane Servant o’ Twa Maisters Victor Carin’s adaptation and translation into Scots of Galdini’s classic farce.
Moonlight and Magnolias
★★★☆☆ Intriguing:
Race, politics and melodrama battle it out with pure farce in Leitheatre’s take on Moonlight and Magnolias, the story behind the making of Gone with the Wind.