Kristian Lavercombe

Rocky Horror Show
★★★★☆ Still Rocking
While the new US President was busy signing an order making it clear what he thinks about the trans community, a sweet transvestite transexual from Transylvania was taking a different approach as Richard O’Brien’s Rocky Horror Show returned to the Playhouse with its customary mix of swagger, glitz, innuendo and audience call backs.

Rocky Horror Show
★★★★☆ Anything but rocky
There’s a light, over at Greenside Place as The Rocky Horror Show returns to the Playhouse with its 50th anniversary show, says Martin Gray.

Rocky Horror Show
★★★★★ Damn it!
Loud, brash and very, very slick, Richard O’Brien’s Rocky Horror Show rock’n’rolls into the Kings with pinch of glitter, a fist-full of glitz and a whole bucket of on-the-nose comedy.

The Rocky Horror Show
★★★★☆ Blue moves:
Big, camp and packing a glitter-ball attitude to rock’n’roll, the latest touring production of The Rocky Horror Show piles in to the Playhouse for the final week of its extended UK tour.

Rocky Horror Show
★★★☆☆ Warp Factor 40:
Celebrating 40 years of sweet transvestites from transsexual Transylvania, the Rocky Horror Show rolls back into town.