Liam Forrester

Brave Macbeth
★★★★☆ Brilliant
Young critics scheme review:
Captivate Theatre’s production of Brave Macbeth directed by Sally Lyall at Pleasance Above, shines a completely different light on Shakespeare’s tragedy with modern twists and props galore.

Jesus Christ Superstar
★★★☆☆ Fraught:
The doubts of Jesus as he waits for his death are brought to the fore in Captivate Theatre’s all-singing all-dancing production of Jesus Christ Superstar at the Rose Street Theatre.

Brave Macbeth
★★★★☆ Enjoyably educational:
Brave Macbeth, presented by Gilded Balloon in the Rose Theatre Basement, is a beautifully pitched children’s musical combining the Scottish Play with tunes, humour and shameless messing about.

Sunshine At The Rose
★★★☆☆ Showstopper overload:
Sunshine At The Rose, a collection of songs from musical theatre featuring some of Captivate’s most accomplished performers, is a spirited and melodic entertainment that shows you can have too much of a good thing.

★★★★☆ Spirited & Heartwarming:
Captivate Theatre’s excellent production of Annie – on until August 14 at the Rose Theatre – brings a lively and contagious enthusiasm to the Fringe.

Brave Macbeth
★★★★☆ Brilliant children’s theatre:
Brave Macbeth from Captivate Theatre at Gilded Ballon venues is everything a children’s musical should be – and educational too.

Bugsy Malone
★★★☆☆ Enjoyable:
Well drilled and cleverly staged, Captivate Theatre’s Bugsy Malone in the Famous Spiegeltent is a fast-moving and fun affair.