Liam Rees

Sycamore Grove
★★★★☆ Sinister and captivating
The unsettling nature of Sycamore Grove, which had its premiere at the 2023 Edinburgh Horror Festival and now returns to the Bedlam for Week One of the Fringe in a production from Slainte! Theatre, starts from the moment you enter venue.

★★★☆☆ Solid social commentary:
After a Fringe full of blockbuster productions, the Traverse’s autumn season kicks of with Nests, a two-hander that looks at social inequality and considers what we can learn from crows.

Showtime from the Frontline
★★★★★ Popular and political:
What happens when a comedian runs a comedy club in one of the most violently repressed areas of the world? Showtime from the Frontline sounds like it should be a recipe for disaster.

White Rabbit Red Rabbit
★★★☆☆ Eager:
A chair. A table. An envelope with a script inside, waiting for an unprepared actor. Since its premiere in 2011, White Rabbit Red Rabbit has taken the theatre world by storm.

Song of the Goat & Plastic Heroes
★★★☆☆ Charmingly cartoonish & ★★★★☆ Playful:
Manipulate Festival is back and its performance side got off to a smashing start on Monday with two hugely inventive and darkly comic shows which both use toys as puppets.

Angels in America: Millennium Approaches
★★★★☆ Intense:
Emotional honesty and genuine skill make Angels in America: Millennium Approaches at the Bedlam extremely successful.

Angels in Bedlam
EUTC stages Kushner epic:
The EUTC is to stage the first half of Tony Kushner’s seven hour epic Angels in America, about the AIDS epidemic which struck America in the 1980s.

★★★★☆ Darkly iconic:
Stark yet fully rounded, the EUTC’s production of Equus, at the Bedlam to Saturday, gets right to the nub of Peter Shaefer’s script and delivers four square on the drama.