Louise Welsh

Book Festival 2024 round-up 1
Paul Bright re-excavated, Perambulations of a Justified Sinner, Lone Tree
The Edinburgh International Book Festival has moved home again for 2024, to its new (permanent) home at the Edinburgh Futures Institute, part of the Quartermile development at the old Infirmary.

★★★☆☆ Icy:
Anthropocene, from Scottish Opera at the King’s, is a work that is constantly shifting its ground both dramatically and musically; while it is absorbing it never entirely solidifies.

The Devil Inside
★★★☆☆ Devilish detail:
All the makings of a Faustian tale of darkness, damnation, intrigue and desperation are present in Scottish Opera’s The Devil Inside, at the King’s for two nights on its premiere tour.