Lulu Perren
Disney’s High School Musical on Stage!
★★★★☆ Class act
‘Get your head in the game!’ That’s the message of one of the big numbers in Disney’s much-loved High School Musical, and it’s certainly one the Kids From Musselburgh have taken on board.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Æ’s Young Critics on the LYT’s Dream:
The four young actors from Edinburgh youth theatre Strangetown being mentored by Æ during this fringe, started their critical journey with some of Edinburgh’s finest youth companies.
Summer on Stage 2019
A Midsummer Night’s Dream & Teechers
LYT turn to potent comedy for this year’s Summer on Stage at the Lyceum with a two night double bill of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Godber’s Teechers.