Malcolm J Burnett

All Shook Up
★★★★☆ Energetic
The Bohemians Lyric Opera Company’s presentation of the Elvis Presley jukebox musical All Shook Up at the Church Hill is a riotous and fun-packed affair.

School Days & Matilda Jr
School Days: ★★★★★ Outrageously good
Matilda Jr: ★★★☆☆ Rebellious
The LYAMC are back where they belong: on stage at the Church Hill Theatre in a double bill combining a portmanteau concert with the junior version of the musical of Roald Dhal’s Matilda.

★★★☆☆ Nostalgic:
There are some decidedly impressive production numbers in the Bohemians’ production of Footloose at the King’s. Add in some excellent singing and you have a show that will please a lot of people with fond memories of the 1980s.

Aida – The Musical
✭✭✭✭✩ Brought to life:
Beginning in a museum full of tourists, Limelight Productions, magically transports the Alhambra Theatre in Dunfermline back to Ancient Egypt, delivering an all-singing, all-dancing tale of woe.

Aida for Alhambra
Rare musical version in the Limelight
The great tale of the enslaved Nubian Princess Aida, who falls in love with her captor, Radames, is given a rare telling in its musical theatre version at the Dunfermline Alhambra next week.

Grease – Review
✭✭✭✭✩ A smooth operation
The Bohemians’ snappy and agile production of Grease fairly flies across the stage at the Church Hill, providing a great deal of deftness and dexterity allied to boisterous amusement.

Review – Grease
Broad strokes and big voices pack a real punch in the Stage Experience production of Grease at the Edinburgh Playhouse, where it is playing until Saturday night.