Maria Macdonald

Shrek the Musical

Shrek the Musical

★★★★☆ Captivating

Captivate Theatre’s production of Shrek The Musical at The Rose Theatre is a case of young performers being better than their material.

Aug 17 2022 | By | Reply More
Hamish Henderson: On The Radical Road

Hamish Henderson: On The Radical Road

★★★★☆  Lively commitment:

Hamish Henderson: On the Radical Road, from Theatre Objektiv at the Storytelling Centre, is a compelling illustration of the work of the celebrated writer, folklorist and internationalist.

Aug 25 2018 | By | Reply More
Mairi Campbell: Pulse

Mairi Campbell: Pulse

★★★★☆    Creative and Captivating:
Mairi Campbell’s transcendental one-woman show, Pulse, brings a vibrant energy to the Scottish Storytelling Centre.

Sep 8 2017 | By | Reply More