Marina Funcasta

Much Ado About Nothing
★★★☆☆ Energetic
The Edinburgh University Shakespeare Company’s Much Ado About Nothing at the Pleasance is a good-natured if uneven production.

A Taste of Honey
★★★☆☆ Troubling
A pair of perfectly pitched performances ensure that the EUTC’s production of A Taste of Honey at the Bedlam, to Friday, provides a more than creditable account of Shelagh Delaney’s script.

Julius Caesar
★★★☆☆ Uneven
Edinburgh University Shakespeare Company’s Julius Caesar, in the Teviot Debating Hall, is as unpredictable as it is ambitious. It is by turn sublime and ridiculous, well thought out at times and inexplicable at others.

Water Fruit Loops
★★★☆☆ Engaging
Theatre Paradok’s Water Fruit Loops, at theSpace @ Niddry Street for the final week of the fringe, goes over well-trodden ground in a likeable manner.